Mädesüß Pulver 800 g
Mädesüß enthält Salicylsäure, eine Vorstufe von Aspirin. Erhält die normale Gelenkfunktion und fördert die Abwehrkräfte und Durchblutung.
Pferd 500 KG 1-3 EL / TAG. 1 EL = 5 G.
Hund: 1 – 2 TL / TAG.
Bei Wettkämpfen wird eine Karenzzeit 48 Stunden empfohlen. (Salicylsure)
What are the benefits of Meadowsweet for Horses?
Joint problems
Joint problems may be related to increased acid, the ability of meadowsweet to reduce acidity is beneficial in treating joint problems. Meadowsweet may also improve the condition of connective joint tissue.
In folk medicine, meadowsweet was used as a treatment for rheumatism of muscles and joints, and for arthritis.
Meadowsweetis also used as a digestive remedy for acid indigestion or peptic ulcers. It protects the inner lining of the stomach while providing the anti-inflammatory benefits of salicylates.
A reduction in ulcerogenic action has been documented, promoting the healing of induced chronic ulcers and preventing acetylsalicylic acid-induced lesions in the stomach.Meadow Sweet may also assist in the treatment of scouring.
It has also proven to be beneficial in treating:
- colds
- coughs
- bronchitis
- minor digestive issues
- analgesic
- minor aches and pains
- arthritis